Sustainable DevelopmentWe help clients better understand, plan for and obtain advantage from the concept of sustainable development. Our awareness training is aimed helping clients get grounded in what sustainable development might mean for them in the context of their industry, customers, and the global community. We help clients choose the sustainable development strategy that is right for them through a series of facilitated workshops. Inputs into the strategy could include our “triple bottom line” diagnostic, which provides an insightful baseline of a company’s economic, environmental, and social impacts. Other strategic inputs could include the issues and trends faced by the client’s industry and customers, and scenarios of the future. We also help design sustainable development performance measures and communication vehicles, such as external reports. Specific services include:
- Sustainable development awareness training
- “Triple bottom line” diagnostic
- Issues and trends tracking
- Scenario development
- Sustainable development strategy development
- Sustainable development measurement
- Sustainable development external reports
EHS Strategy DevelopmentWe help companies identify and capitalize on situations where environmental, health, and safety (EHS) can be leveraged as a source of competitive advantage. We provide stakeholder needs assessments to identify potential value creating opportunities. Our assistance with EHS strategy design involves taking stock of the organization’s strengths and weaknesses, identifying the opportunities and threats presented by customer situations, and industry and global issues and trends, developing scenarios of the future, arriving at an aspirational and inspirational vision of what EHS future the organization wants to create, and then choosing an optimal EHS strategy that is aligned with the company’s overall business strategy and strengths. Implementation sometimes involves strengthening the process by which EHS issues are considered in the product design process (“Design for Environment”), or actually identifying new product opportunities that address customer EHS needs. Specific services include:
- EHS stakeholder needs assessment
- EHS strategy design
- Design for Environment services
- Identification of EHS-related new product opportunities
- Customer EHS needs identification
- EHS issues and trends tracking
- EHS scenario development